When I was looking at buying Fraser Lake Supplies in 2010, people said “why would you do that?” even people who lived in the adjacent towns didn’t understand what I saw in Fraser Lake. I could see what they couldn’t though, a beautiful community with some of the most welcoming folks in all of BC.
We completed the deal with the former owners, Rodger & Rosemany, on March 1st of 2011 and right from day 1 I’ve felt nothing but welcome. It took me a few months to get up to speed but in May of that year, we held our first Customer Appreciation Day. I was new to the community, having lived in Prince George and then Burns Lake for most of my life, but it immediately became clear that I had made the right decision.
A couple hundred people showed up that first year, to welcome my family and I to the community, and in an area of around 3000 people, that’s quite an accomplishment. We met the local contractors, homeowners, the Chiefs of Nadleh and Stellat’en First Nations, and the local Village Council. All anyone had to say was how happy they were to see someone invest in their community. The North may be cold in the winter, but the warmth of our Fraser Lake is a year-round phenomenon.
13 years later and my opinion that Fraser Lake is one of the most wonderful towns in Northern BC has not changed. All business is built around the people who are near and through fires, floods, and pandemics our community has supported us every step of the way. So, when anyone asks me “why did you buy a business in Fraser Lake?” I have my answer locked and loaded:
It’s the wonderful people that support me, every damn day.

Rob King
Rob King, owner of Fraser Lake Supplies and lifelong Northern British Columbian, bleeds pine sap and dodges moose on Forest Service Roads like a pro. When he's not running the store, he's either fishing the thousand lakes of the Bulkley-Nechako or griping about the "traffic" in Prince George.