Smithers chosen to pilot new clean energy project

Smithers has been chosen as a pilot location for the new BC Home Energy Planner by CleanBC.

The planner is a free interactive tool that allows residents of Smithers and the surrounding area to input their address, view information on their home’s efficiency, and get recommendations for improvements, including available rebate programs.

The pilot has launched and will be exclusive to the Smithers and Telkwa areas until this summer when it will be launched in a few other communities across southern B.C. Smithers is the first community to try it out and the District of Saanich will be next.

According to the town’s Engagement and Communications Officer Sam LeBlanc, Smithers was selected as a pilot community because of the town’s Community Energy and Emissions Plan, and because the town has a Climate Action Specialist on board.

Anyone interested in signing up can go to: