Fall Time = Beer Time
We are drinking with 2 hands!
Tuesday September 19th 5-8pm at Bulkley Valley Brewery in Smithers
Thursday September 21st 5-8pm at Sherwood Mountain Brewery in Terrace
General group rules:
1. BYOW (bring your own wallet) after all we are social, we’re not socialites
2. Pitchers no pitching (save the sales pitch to the office, this is max-relax)
3. Students & Miners (no minors) encouraged, metallurgists & geologists are allowed if they promise to behave.
4. Story telling, joke-swapping and card exchanges are recommended
5. Other beverages are allowed; we’ll get back to you later about Tea.
6. Swap cards / stories and opinions on ales, lagers, reds, whites & others in the fan club.
Always remember, you are not a Miner unless you are #mining4beer