CityWest launches fibre-optic services in Fraser Lake

Prince Rupert owned telecom company CityWest announced high speed connectivity in the Village of Fraser Lake with the launch of fibre-optic services.

Residents and businesses registered for service in the west of Fraser Lake will be the first to receive services, CityWest said in a July 19 statement.

CityWest had announced last year that it was expanding its

Installation work is still underway and crews are working to bring the rest of the community online, they said. Launch dates for the remaining areas of Fraser Lake will be announced in the coming weeks.

The Village of Fraser Lake partnered with CityWest and funded the construction of the fibre-optic network project which costs $2.1 million. No additional municipal taxes were levied.

Both parties entered a joint partnership agreement in 2021 and through this agreement, a new company was established, VFL Communications. The new company is providing last-mile fibre-to-the home services in the Village.

This unique partnership will see a portion of the profits from services go directly back into the Village of Fraser Lake, while also giving the community more influence over their connectivity needs, said CityWest in the statement.

“We’re thrilled to see CityWest’s fibre-optic services go live in Fraser Lake,” said Mayor Sarah Storey, adding, “The municipality’s partnership with CityWest, recognized through the establishment of VFL Communications, will bring a

welcomed and reliable advancement in connectivity to our community.”

With fibre-optic connection, customers will be able to access Internet with speeds up to 1,000 Mbps, TV said the company, adding, this fibre-optic infrastructure sets the foundation for future development in Fraser Lake and area
