BCCA secures workforce development funding from LNG Canada

VICTORIA – The British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA) has announced a two-year extension to its collaboration with LNG Canada to deliver Trades Training Fund (TTF) and CONNECT workforce development programs.

The TTF program provides training and support funds for apprentices in high-demand trades in northwestern British Columbia and CONNECT matches local jobseekers with construction-related jobs in northwest B.C. with both programs renewed through Marh 31, 2026, a BCCA release said.

LNG Canada has invested more than $3.3 million in joint workforce development initiatives with BCCA, the release said, “to further the advancement of local, Indigenous and equity-deserving groups seeking opportunities, both on its project and in the community.”

“LNG Canada is proud to continue its partnership with BCCA and extend our commitment to these exceptional workforce development initiatives. The objective of our investment has always been to assist in building a skilled workforce for B.C. and to serve the labour market in the communities nearest our project,” LNG Canada CEO Jason Klein added.

The TTF program covers northwest B.C. communities along the Highway 16 corridor between Prince Rupert and Houston, including Kitimat. Businesses with fewer than 150 employees are eligible for funding and applicants with no employer attachment are now invited to apply, the release said.

More information on the TTF program is available here and the CONNECT program site is here.